One cannot think well, live well, or perform well if one is not nourished well.

We can only truly thrive when our bodies are well-nourished. This is the philosophy of Jamu. Indonesia’s tried-and-proven health tonic lets you lead a better life by flushing out toxins, creating a line of defense against harmful microbes, and packing your system full of vital nutrients.

With organic turmeric powder as its main ingredient, it provides an excellent curcumin supplement boasting an incredible range of antiviral, antibacterial, antioxidant, and anti-inflammatory properties. Daily doses of Jamu let you reap the benefits of curcumin in turmeric for your heart, gut, skin, organs, and mind.


Jamu Seller

In many large cities jamu herbal medicine is sold on the street by hawkers carry a refreshing drink, usually bitter but sweetened with honey. Herbal medicine is also produced in factories by large companies such as Air Mancur, Nyonya Meneer or Djamu Djago, and sold at various drug stores in sachet packaging. Packaged dried jamu should be dissolved in hot water first before drinking. Nowadays herbal medicine is also sold in the form of tablets, caplets and capsules.

History of Jamu
It is claimed to have originated in the Mataram Kingdom some 1300 years ago.
Popularity among physicians
Indonesian physicians were initially not very interested in jamu. During the second conference of the Indonesian Association of Physicians, held in Solo in March 1940, two presentations on the topic were given. During the Japanese occupation, Indonesia’s Jamu Committee was formed in 1944. During the following decades, the popularity of jamu increased, although physicians had rather ambivalent opinions about it.

About Author /

Hi, my name is Arlette Ottow, and I would like to take you on an adventure of life and all that we come across! I am incredibly grateful that I could travel and live-in different countries. Yes, this is luck but most it is, following my heart, and a desperate inner need for real freedom. Born with Indonesian heritage, made me want to explore more of the world and live my life-Alife! I feel that this is what God's universe naturally forces me to do. This is me!

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