Coffee Time! Love Your Daily Healthy Boost

Why is it so important to know your Coffee? Over the years we got many different opinions about coffee and if it is good for you or not. When you are like me a coffee lover you might want to know your daily cup of coffee, and if you have buy the right one. Coffee, the daily boost for most people, but do we know our coffee? Questions rise like, where is it coming from, is it free from pesticides? How much can I drink a day?

For everything that has to much in front of it, would not be so good for you. Same goes for coffee. Yes, Coffee is healthy but how much coffee can I drink? You have to ask yourself that question, but for me 2 or 3 large cups I feel is ok for me.. It is also very important where the coffee is coming from and if it is fair trade?

Coffee and your Health: Benefits are, High in antioxidants, vitamins and minerals, coffee boosts the immune system and guards against disease.

You might want to stick to organic coffee because; It is Free of pesticides and artificial fertilizers, organic coffee reduces the risk of harmful chemical ingestion.

In short, if you know your coffee it will give you a daily healthy boost! 

Natural Organic Coffee: My personal favorites and you might want to try them. I am a fan of Organic Indonesian Coffee and love the Starbucks Sumatra Coffee Indonesian Starbucks Coffee

My favorite store to shop is Trader Joe and they have several choices if you want to drink a organic cup of coffee. Trader Joe Organic Coffee

About Author /

Hi, my name is Arlette Ottow, and I would like to take you on an adventure of life and all that we come across! I am incredibly grateful that I could travel and live-in different countries. Yes, this is luck but most it is, following my heart, and a desperate inner need for real freedom. Born with Indonesian heritage, made me want to explore more of the world and live my life-Alife! I feel that this is what God's universe naturally forces me to do. This is me!

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